YFAC: Fun with Ephemera!

# # # Media Contact: Cynthia Thomet, pr@workssanjose.org, About YFAC (youth and family art connection): yfac fosters appreciation for and understanding of art by giving local children (ages 7 to 14) and their families new and different ways to express themselves through art in a no-mistakes environment that supports the application of creative problem-solving and risk-taking beyond the visual arts.

350Coming Saturday, February, 14, 2009, from 12 – 2 pm, Works/San Jose will host another Youth & Family Art Connection, called “Fun with Ephemera”.

“Ephemera is a beautiful word for those things that you manage to collect–like old tickets to your favorite show–and they make great media for art projects. Valentine’s day seemed to be a good day to explore how to incorporate ephemera into your art,” says local art teacher and Works Board member, Brande Barrett. “This fun family activity is free, where you can make and take your own fine art home with you.” Continue reading “YFAC: Fun with Ephemera!”

Jane Przybysz

Erin Goodwin-Guerrero writes: Hello Silicon Valley Art Community, Jane Przybysz, Director of San Jose’s Museum of Quilts and Textiles, was in a head-on collision in Napa this week end. Jane and her staff are saying that Jane’s fundraising efforts are going to be greatly curtailed as a result of this setback, so they would love people to send donations to the Museum of Quilts and Textiles, instead of flowers.

Erin Goodwin-Guerrero writes:

Hello Silicon Valley Art Community,

Jane Przybysz, Director of San Jose’s Museum of Quilts and Textiles,
was in a head-on collision in Napa this week end. A driver took a sudden left turn in front of her car, tried to correct at the last minute, and ended up hitting Jane and her husband directly. Their car is totaled, Mark has broken foot and Jane is in the hospital with three chipped vertebrae.

Today, Wednesday, Jane is being fitted for a back brace. Tomorrow she will be released to come back to San Jose.

Many people have asked ARTSHIFT where they can send flowers. Jane and her staff are saying that Jane’s fundraising efforts are going to be greatly curtailed as a result of this setback, so they would love people to send donations to the Museum of Quilts and Textiles, instead of flowers. This is an excellent idea, because, let’s face it, our arts institutions are usually cash-strapped and balancing precariously. In these economic times, some cash contributions to the Museum’s fundraising would be most welcome and lift everyone’s spirits!

As you come by the Museum of Quilts and textiles this First Friday, please leave a substantial contribution. Neither flowers nor art are cheap!

Thank you,
Erin Goodwin-Guerrero, Editor


Best wishes for a speedy recovery for Jane and her husband! When you come down for first friday, please do stop by our neighbor, the Museum of Quilts and Textiles, and give generously if you can.

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heart of chaos: Uproar 2008

To Enter: Download and complete the Entry form at http://www.heartofchaos.net/guidelines/Uproar2008_guidelines.pdf Entry Fee: $20.00 per artist for up to 3 submissions (includes free admission for the artist at the opening night party see http://www.heartofchaos.net/art-event-uproar-2008.html Submission Drop Offs: October 27 – November 1, 2008 from 4-10PM at South First Billiards, 420 South First Street, San Jose, 95113.

Our friend Jen from Heart of Chaos writes:

Official Call for Artists:
Heart of Chaos (http://www.heartofchaos.net) once again brings “UpRoar” to San Jose with it’s second annual exhibit at South First Billiards. Anything goes in this open themed exhibit juried by the attending reception audience. You remember last year, we are doing it up even BIGGER this year! So bring on the ART!

Theme: Open, anything goes! All mediums and forms of expression welcome.

To Enter: Download and complete the Entry form at


Entry Fee: $20.00 per artist for up to 3 submissions
(includes free admission for the artist at the opening night party see


Submission Drop Offs: October 27 – November 1, 2008 from 4-10PM at South First Billiards, 420 South First Street, San Jose, 95113. You must be 21+ to enter South First Billiards. Exhibit entry is open to artists under 21 please contact Freddie Vega at upbeat111@yahoo.com for special drop off arrangements if needed.

Opening Night Party: November 7th, 8pm-2am ($5 admission waived for exhibiting artist)

Vintage video vol. 1

Eric Predoehl wrote to us tonight: Subject: video from WORKS, circa 1985 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAQf3qOoctw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_D52jXq3Us This performance is from a special event produced by KFJC Radio and I.B.S.

Eric Predoehl wrote to us tonight:

Subject: video from WORKS, circa 1985

This performance is from a special event produced by KFJC Radio and I.B.S. at the Works Gallery in San Jose on November 22, 1985.


So, for your instant gratification:

Thanks, Eric!

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In the gallery: steve cooley

On display: “steve cooley : through the prism of San Jose” a temporary show in the windows of Works/San Jose while works is preparing for the upcoming member exhibit. My works on display are the result of riding the line between working with digital tools and techniques and the analog results.

On display: “steve cooley : through the prism of San Jose” a temporary show in the windows of Works/San Jose while works is preparing for the upcoming member exhibit.


My major influences are Kandinsky, Picasso, Braque, circuit boards, and typography. I create digital works in addition to working with tradition mediums. I very much like the sensibilities of electronic art and music, but have been struggling with the issue of how to recognize their lack of scarcity. So, I continue to work in analog mediums until the world can figure out how to fully appreciate digital art without reservations. However, in many cases I will use digital tools for planning or sketching out concepts before going to the analog medium. My works on display are the result of riding the line between working with digital tools and techniques and the analog results.

Click for more photos.