In the gallery: steve cooley

On display: “steve cooley : through the prism of San Jose” a temporary show in the windows of Works/San Jose while works is preparing for the upcoming member exhibit. My works on display are the result of riding the line between working with digital tools and techniques and the analog results.

On display: “steve cooley : through the prism of San Jose” a temporary show in the windows of Works/San Jose while works is preparing for the upcoming member exhibit.


My major influences are Kandinsky, Picasso, Braque, circuit boards, and typography. I create digital works in addition to working with tradition mediums. I very much like the sensibilities of electronic art and music, but have been struggling with the issue of how to recognize their lack of scarcity. So, I continue to work in analog mediums until the world can figure out how to fully appreciate digital art without reservations. However, in many cases I will use digital tools for planning or sketching out concepts before going to the analog medium. My works on display are the result of riding the line between working with digital tools and techniques and the analog results.

Click for more photos.